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Thursday, June 25, 2009


Sorry its been so long since I have sent an update. Things have been really busy here. As the weather gets hotter the terrorist get more active. I guess they dont like cold weather lol.... It is warning up here. It was about 109 today and will get as hot as 140 by mid summer.
I am so proud of my guys and gals... they are preforming so well and it is a honor to serve with young people that are so brave and who love their Country so much. It is also awe inspiring the support that we get from home. This experience makes you proud to be an American. We are the best Country in the world and we prove it in places like Tal Afar Iraq. I just wish that we would stay the course here. We have made so many strides that the media just refuses to report. If we could just stay a few more years we would really be able to do great things.
The pix below is a group of Iraq Police that we just finished training. We do joint patrols with them and teach them to Police for themselves when we are gone. They are such great men!!! They know that when we are gone that they will be alone in the fight against AQI (Al Qaeda in Iraq) but they do the job anyway. They are targeted by insurgents every day, but still come to work.
Thank you so much for your prayers for my soldiers and myself. I also ask that you pray for this region and for our President to make wise decisions. The military misses Bush, bad but we need to pray for the current Commander and Chief.

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